Purpose of Student Accessibility Services
- Assist in the development of reasonable accommodations for students
- Provide services and accommodations to students with disabilities
- Work closely with faculty and staff in an advisory capacity
- Provide equal access for individuals with disabilities
Qualified Individual
- Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity, has record of such impairment, and/or is regarded as having such an impairment
- Has approved accommodations issued by Student Accessibility Services after a complete review of appropriate documentation and a discussion with a staff member of Student Accessibility Services
- Is otherwise qualified to attend 十大外围足彩网站排行榜
- Disability documentation and the nature of the disability is private between Student Accessibility Services staff and the student, unless the student chooses to reveal it
- Any explicit or implicit inference to a particular student and the disability is inappropriate
Eligibility Verification
- Determined on an individual basis based on discussion between the student and a staff member from Student Accessibility Services
- Documentation requirements are based upon the best practices and guidelines of the national organizations AHEAD and ETS
- Self-disclosure by student to Student Accessibility Services
- Verification by another institution does not necessarily guarantee eligibility for services at 十大外围足彩网站排行榜
- IEPs alone are NOT sufficient documentation
- Documentation must be received in a timely manner to allow for thorough review of documentation and establishment of services
- Accommodations are not retroactive. Accommodations can only be applied to situations from the time of approval, moving forward
Access to Academic Services
- Reasonable accommodations will be made based on an individual’s disability and the impact(s) of their disability on the academic environment
- Requests that will fundamentally alter the integrity or standards of a course or major will not be honored
- Accommodations are made to allow equal access to opportunities given to all students; however, success cannot be guaranteed
Student Responsibilities
- Identify themselves to Student Accessibility Services
- Provide appropriate documentation and request accommodations in a timely manner
- Meet with a staff member in Student Accessibility Services to discuss their request
- Assume personal responsibility by meeting with faculty and staff and requesting help when needed
- Inform Student Accessibility Services in a timely manner should any problem with accommodations arise
Student Accessibility Services Responsibilities
- Work with the student, staff and faculty to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations to allow equal access for students with disabilities
- Provide students with a central location to resolve disability issues
- Provide assistance with academic skills, such as organization, time management and study skills
- Serve in an advisory capacity for students with disabilities
- Maintain student privacy
Examples of Academic Accommodations Provided
- Extended time on tests
- Distraction-reduced test environment
- Note taker in class
- View our full Note Taker Accommodation Process and Policy (PDF) for details
- Use of a computer for note taking, written assignments and tests
- Access to the instructor's lecture notes
- Permission to audio record class lecture
- Special seating in the classroom
- Adaptive equipment/assistive technology
- Test Scribe and/or Test Reader
- Enlarged print
- Attendance leniency
Contact Information
Student Accessibility and Academic Support
Student Accessibility Services
Academic Success Center, 2nd Floor, Technology Building
(813) 257-3266
Website: Student Accessibility Services